After a day-long cliffhanger of a trust vote in the Lok Sabha, the UPA government romped home. As the drama unfolded and excitement built up, Netizens poured in their view to on the twist and turns of the historic event. Most reflected on the realpolitik, which went on an open display in the House.
Yesterday's vote of confidence was a shame on Indian politicians, wrote Pankaj, adding that the MPs did not care about the image of India . They behaved like kids on the floor of the House. It is high time well-educated Indians joined politics.
Parashar Dave echoed similar views: Very few parties have the capability to put the interest of the country above the existence of their party as the government.
Dominant theme was the alleged note for vote scam. Syed forecasted: Now watch the corporate lobbyist minting the money from the congress government.
Even the Opposition came in for severe criticism. There are a handful of honest politicians in India. Opposition leaders talk about bringing inflation down on one hand and on the other hand they want people of India to face an unnecessary burden of elections, said Amrinder.
Yet another thread was about the Prime Minister s inability to address the House. I am so embarrassed by the way PM was not even allowed to speak. I believe people don t realise that he is our Prime Minister and deserves respect, wrote Neha.
Supporters of the PM and leader of the Opposition spoke out as well: I am extremely happy that our Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, has won the trust vote. He is an awesome person and I want to convey my congratulations to him, wrote Sunita Vijay. On the other hand, Rohit opined, we have not given enough thought to advani s remarks of unilateral partnership between india and usa .
Then there were the optimistic notes. Let us discuss the well-written speeches of the politicians and the future of the nuclear deal now, wrote pawan. We all know the sorry state of Indian politics. But, aren t all of us responsible (as well)? he added
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