Saturday, June 27, 2009

Some good reasons to sweat climate change

The U.S. Global Change Research Program’s climate change report, released by the Obama administration earlier this month, outlines concrete climate change impacts for U.S. society and the economy. According to the findings we could be in for much more severe summers across the country. One example cited: in 1995, Chicago suffered a heat wave that killed more than 700 people. By the end of this century, Chicagoans could experience that kind of relentless heat up to three times a year.
Eleven EarthShare member charities, including American Rivers, Earthjustice and Natural Resources Defense Council, are urging America to reduce emissions quickly to prevent the worst consequences of climate change. Read the report and check out a video of the White House releasing the new climate change bill. Learn more about climate change and global warming in our issues section.

Got trails? With summer upon us, now is the perfect time to grab some friends and head out to discover a new outdoor adventure. The Sierra Club has launched a new resource, Sierra Club Trails , to help you locate a trail, find a community trip or take a national or international excursion into the wilderness. Can’t find any trails near you? Check out EarthShare member charity Rails-to-Trails’ trail-building toolbox – it offers resources to help you build a trail in your own community!
Good news about lighter, fuel-efficient cars. The Rocky Mountain Institute is unraveling the misconception that lighter, more fuel-efficient vehicles are less safe than heavier ones. Their research indicates that while there is a connection between car size and safety, there is no such connection between automobile weight and highway safety. So, what type of car is the best for safety and the environment? Vehicles designed to be both lightweight and large fit the bill. With new federal standards set to begin in 2012, this guidance will prove useful to an auto industry tasked with increasing fuel efficiency. But don’t wait until the new efficiency standards kick in when you can help reduce your car’s carbon footprint now! Check out our green tips for saving energy on the road.
Bored with the beach? Be a summer volunteer!
President Obama wants YOU – for his Summer of Service initiative, that is. The program is a call to make volunteerism and community service part of our daily lives and the life of this nation. The Student Conservation Association is inviting you to get involved and take action for the envirionment and the nation by signing their Conservation Declaration. Sign the declaration , agree to take one of many environmental actions (including planting a native tree , volunteering , or entering their Green Your School contest ), and you’ll be automatically entered to win a National Parks Annual Pass! In the words of our leader: “…we need everyone, as America’s new foundation will be built one community at a time, and it starts with you.”

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