Tuesday, October 19, 2010

green rankings global top100

Showing Results 1 to 20 of the Green Rankings Global Top 100PreviousNextPageof 5 Rank Company Industry Sector Green
Score Envtl.
Impact Green
Policies Rep.
1 International Business Machines» Technology 100.00 93.96 91.30 96.00
2 Hewlett-Packard» Technology 99.33 58.92 95.56 92.87
3 Johnson & Johnson» Pharmaceuticals 98.51 42.98 100.00 77.58
4 Sony» Consumer Products, Cars 96.40 56.94 97.26 64.32
5 GlaxoSmithKline» Pharmaceuticals 94.18 64.95 91.36 73.62
6 Novartis» Pharmaceuticals 91.48 53.97 89.64 67.43
7 Deutsche Telekom» Technology 91.40 95.94 84.04 67.04
8 Panasonic» Consumer Products, Cars 90.67 44.96 90.63 64.19
9 HSBC Holdings» Banks and Insurance 90.18 96.93 78.80 81.72
10 Toshiba» Technology 87.73 52.98 86.61 55.09
11 Vodafone» Technology 87.09 62.97 83.22 61.81
12 Barclays» Banks and Insurance 86.55 88.91 78.22 64.28
13 Intesa SanPaolo» Banks and Insurance 86.42 92.97 82.92 37.50
14 Nokia» Technology 86.01 79.90 71.97 100.00
15 ING Groep» Banks and Insurance 85.56 70.99 80.22 59.85
16 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone» Technology 85.41 94.95 79.42 45.87
17 Toyota Motor» Consumer Products, Cars 85.15 33.97 82.40 75.71
18 Honda Motor» Consumer Products, Cars 84.98 29.91 85.31 68.43
19 Allianz» Banks and Insurance 84.32 69.90 75.28 73.91
20 Pfizer» Pharmaceuticals 83.18 54.96 78.11 59.27
Order 2010 Green Rankings Reports for expanded analysis.Showing Results 1 to 20 of the Green Rankings Global Top 100PreviousNextPageof 5 *Green number denotes overall list ranking

For the 2009 Green Rankings list go to greenrankings2009.newsweek.com

More In Green Rankings
Why There's Still Hope for Cutting Carbon Interactive: 100 Places To Remember 10 Big Green Ideas

View the 2009 Green Rankings list.

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