Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dear friend,

Bees are dying by the million--but pesticide companies have just asked the EPA to increase the allowable level of bee-killing pesticides by as much as 400 times.1

Chemical companies like Dow, Bayer, and Syngenta are making billions selling bee-killing pesticides called neonics--chemicals that scientists have compared to DDT in the level of threat posed to the environment.2

In fact, neonics are wiping out bee colonies so fast that the European Union has enacted a continent-wide moratorium on their use.3

Increasing the allowable levels by 400 times? That’s insane.

The EPA is only accepting public input on this decision until October 6, so we don't have much time. Can you chip in to help convince them to reject this awful proposal?

Yes, I’ll make a donation to help stop the increase in bee-killing pesticides.

If you don’t think bees are important, think again. Of the world’s major food crops, 71% are dependent on bees for pollination.4

It’s this simple: No bees, no farms. No farms, no food.

Earlier this year, our state affiliates in Texas and New York helped our allies at Friends of the Earth and the Pesticide Research Institute discover that half the "bee-friendly" plants we tested from stores like Home Depot contained the bee-killing pesticides.5

Now we need to blow the whistle on the pesticide industry’s plan to jack up the allowable level of bee-killing pesticides. If you donate today, you’ll help us mobilize grassroots support to convince the EPA to reject the pesticide industry’s petition.

Click here to make a donation to help stop the pesticide industry’s request to increase the allowable level of bee-killing pesticides.

Thanks for making it all possible.


Dan Jacobson
Environment California

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